Mountain lion known as P-22 captured after killing chihuahua in Los Angeles

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A mountain lion that attacked and killed a Los Angeles resident’s chihuahua last month has been captured, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and the National Park Service said in a news release.

The male mountain lion, one of several the park service tracks in the area, was captured Monday south of his home range of Griffith Park and transferred to a wild animal care facility for evaluation, the release said.

Officials captured the lion, known as P-22, by tracking its GPS location and had biologists dart him, the release said. The animal is in stable condition and undergoing additional evaluation, according to the release. The park service and fish and wildlife department “will work together to find the most humane option available for the lion and the community in which he lives,” the release said.

The attack on the chihuahua happened on November 9, according to KTLA. Security camera footage captured the mountain lion emerging from the bushes onto a residential street and pouncing on Piper, a chihuahua mix.

Piper was one of two dogs – both on leashes – being walked by an unnamed dog walker, according to KTLA. “I felt the tug and I heard Piper squeal,” the dogwalker told KTLA. “I turn around and I just saw a face. I didn’t know what it was.”

The park service told CNN at the time they were not aware of any other incidents involving mountain lions attacking leashed pets in the Los Angeles area, although studies have identified similar incidents in other cities.

There are around 100 mountain lions, also called cougars, pumas, or catamounts, that make their home in the Santa Monica Mountains, according to the park service.

The big cats’ habitat is being impacted by roads and other development, which leads to vehicle collisions and increased inbreeding because the animals are unable to move freely in and out of their area.


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